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Social Studies Content Area

Students looking at a map of Africa

Wayne RESA Social Studies team is here to help schools best serve their students as they develop civic competence. Please contact our Social Studies Consultant John Farris ( for support in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional learning.

Teaching Resources for Constitution Day

Click on the Teaching Resources link to find lesson plans and resources sorted by elementary, middle, and high school level. Please contact John Farris ( if you use other resources that you would like to have posted.

Resource Highlights

Professional Development

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If you would like to receive email regarding social studies education in Wayne County, send an e-mail to Stacey Griffth with your name, grade, and email address. You will then receive an email confirmation.

Additional Resources



Mari Treece

Executive Director of Educational Services

John Farris

Social Studies Consultant

Stacey Griffith

Administrative Assistant