Library Resources

Wayne RESA has a professional collection of materials that includes print and digital resources, videos, and maker materials that Wayne County educators can access and borrow.
Follett Destiny
The Wayne RESA Follett Destiny Library Consortium is a web-based, centralized library solution, which is customizable to the building level, but is installed, maintained, and supported at Wayne RESA. In addition to substantial cost savings there are numerous technical and instructional advantages by hosting it on our server. There are currently 33 school districts and 97 public school academies in Wayne County.
Destiny User's Group
The user's group is a venue for learning and sharing about Follett Destiny. The group meets a couple of times per year with a Follett representative to learn about software updates and features. To join the Destiny User's Group listserv, contact us.
Follett Community
Free online training, webinars, and resources. Visit for more information.
Catalogs and e-Resources
The Wayne RESA library of materials includes books (print and digital), maker materials, and other professional development or instructional items that are available for Wayne County educators to borrow. Click on the above link to browse through the catalog.
The Michigan eLibrary (MeL) is a statewide service of the Library of Michigan that provides Michigan residents with free access to online full-text articles, full-text books, digital images, and other valuable research information at any time via the Internet. It also provides an easy-to-use interlibrary loan system to allow Michigan residents to borrow books and other library materials for free from participating Michigan libraries.
This is a public library cooperative that serves 74 libraries located throughout southeast Michigan.
Maker Lending Library
Wayne RESA has a collection of maker materials that are available for Wayne County educators to check out and use with their students. View afull list of materials that may be borrowed. When you know what you'd like to borrow, please review the availability of the items to make sure the materials you wish to check out are not already spoken for on the dates you are requesting. If they are available, submit a loan request to get on the calendar. When requesting materials, you will want to factor in an extra day or two before you plan to use them with students to allow time to pick up and return the items to the Wayne RESA loading dock. A notification will be sent when the items are ready for pick up.
Library Media Leaders Network
The Library Media Leaders group is intended for Wayne County library media specialists and is designed to offer opportunities to explore, network, collaborate, and share best practices around information literacy, media literacy, instructional technology, curriculum and instruction support, school library trends, as well as the Follett Destiny library management system. Participants will gain awareness about what is happening around the state through the different partnerships (REMC, MDE, MAME, MACUL, etc.), as well as what is happening locally in Wayne County with the Maker Movement and other programs. Through this network and support system, we can build the instructional leadership capacity of school librarians to promote and implement innovative learning opportunities for students.
Additional Resources
- AASL American Association of School Librarians
- AASL Standards for the 21st. Century Learner
- ALA position statement on labeling books with reading level
- ASCD Whole Child
- Common Core Standard
- Future Ready Librarians
- ISTE Standards
- Library of Michigan - School Libraries in the 21st Century
- Resources for School Librarians
Cataloguing Resources
This helpful resource features a description and working examples of the most commonly used MARC Bibliographic and Authority tags as well as sample MARC records.
The online book "Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-Readable Cataloging" hosted by the Library of Congress
The CRS is based on 21 MARC manuals and other reference works published by The Library of Congress and frequently accessed by technical services staff.