School Counselor Support

The Wayne RESA Career Readiness and Counselor Consultant (CCRC) supports school counselors and educational institutions in promoting career readiness among students by providing expert guidance, resources, and training to ensure that students are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities needed to transition successfully from school to post-secondary education or the workforce. CCRC services include designing professional development workshops, collaborating with schools to develop counseling programs, providing resources, training and support for school counselors, and building partnerships with community organizations and businesses.
Professional Organizations
ASCA - The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) supports school counselors' efforts to help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.
MCAN - Michigan College Access Network works to improve the futures of Michigan’s students and communities by making college accessible to all. MCAN works with leaders, and education administrators to educate and empower students in Michigan to attend and complete college. We promote equity through college access.
MichCDA - The Michigan Career Development Association is a professional organization for career development practitioners and a “one-stop-shop” for all things career development.
MSCA - The Michigan School Counselor Association seeks to promote academic excellence in professional school counseling by strengthening the identity and competencies of professional school counselors so that they may more effectively serve their constituents.
Professional Development
RESA Counseling PD Offerings for the year (For Category, select School Counseling) - Wayne RESA provides research-backed, best-practice professional development and growth opportunities to educators, administrators, and staff to grow district capacity.
State of Michigan's Mini Webinar Training Series - MI Student Aid is excited to announce the Mini Webinar Series for High School Counselors registration is now available! Each 45-minute mini webinar will focus on a specific topic.
Michigan Online Educator Catalog of Professional Learning Programs - Online professional learning opportunities to get the continuing education (SCECHs) required for the educator certification requirements
Tri-County New Counselor Academy
- Wayne RESA, in collaboration with Oakland Schools & Macomb ISD facilitates a Tri-County Academy which is open to K-12 counselors throughout the state of Michigan who have been in the profession three years or less, or are new to their current position and are seeking a safe and inviting space to learn about “tricks of the trade”, connect with other new counselors and share best practices. You can register for the 2024-2025 school year, contact Stacia Weeks (contact information below)
Crisis Management Resources
Other Resources
Army Educational Outreach Program - USAEOP provides students and teachers a collaborative, cohesive, portfolio of Army-sponsored STEM programs that effectively engage, inspire, and attract the next generation of STEM talent through Kindergarten through college programs and expose them to Department of Defense STEM careers.
College Scorecard - The U.S. The Department of Education has a free tool called the College Scorecard that provides information about colleges and universities in the United States. The tool’s goal is to help students and families make informed decisions about higher education by comparing institutions across a range of metrics.
9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Grade Checklists
Wayne County Counselor Connection Newsletter