Professional Development

Wayne RESA Upcoming Events
Wayne RESA provides research-backed, best-practice professional development and growth opportunities to educators, administrators, and staff to grow district capacity.
Wayne RESA uses Learning Stream as their online registration and payment system for the educational events they sponsor. When accessing the Events Calendar on the Professional Development page of our website, you will be automatically directed to the calendar listing of events. If you have questions, please contact Events Services at (734) 334-1508 or at
This page also contains Instructions for creating a Learning Stream account and registering for events.
Professional Development Resources
Wayne County Learning Literacy Network
Previous professional learning resource videos
Previous professional development minutes
Summer Learning Blitz 2023 Playlist
Interactive Writing in Grades PreK-1
Facilitated by Dr. Bridget Regan
Supporting Multilingual Learners
Facilitated by Khalil El-Saghir & Kalyn Wulatin
Protecting the Joy of Learning for Students Living in Transition
Facilitated by Sabrina Rudy
Be Not AfrAId: AI in the Classroom
Facilitated by Bob Harrison & Judy Bowling
Foundational Skills Activated: For the Early Literacy Classroom
Facilitated by Dr. Bridget Regan & Colleen Whalen
Math Fluency: Beyond Fact Memorization
Facilitated by Janine Owen & Dawn Shovein
Unleashing Creativity Empowering Students through Book Creator
Facilitated by Judy Bowling & Dr. Laura Gabrion
Building A Classroom Community Through Writing
Facilitated by Carrie Fromm
The A.R.C. of JOY in the Classroom
Facilitated by Vonetta Clark-Tooles
Notice & Wonder: Crafting Curious Classrooms
Facilitated by Melissa Wilson
Reimagining Possibilities: Restoring Imagination, Nurturing Creativity
Facilitated by Jeff Austin, Laura Gabrion, Rosalyn Shahid, and Jennifer Snapp
Cultivating Joyful Family Literacy Experiences Through Family & Caregiver Engagement
Facilitated by Heather Rottermond & Jennifer Snapp, with the help of Dr. Laura Gabrion
How Science Can Lead Literacy: The Joy of Figuring Things Out
Facilitated by Richard Bacolor & Heather Rottermond
Using Tech to Promote Social Emotional Learning
Facilitated by Judy Bowling & Carol Ann Paul
Reimagining Possibilities: Restoring Imagination, Nurturing Creativity - Day 2
Facilitated by Jeffrey Austin, Dr. Laura Gabrion, Dr. Rosalyn Shahid, and Jennifer Snapp
Nurturing Success with MTSS: Unleashing the Joy of Every Student
Facilitated by Heather Rottermond & Colleen Whalen
Nature: Your Co-Teacher
Facilitated by Mellissa Wilson
Chrome Extensions (and Other Useful Tech Tips) for Educators
Facilitated by Michelle Wagner
Our Mission
Wayne RESA is committed to leadership through service and collaboration for excellence in teaching and learning for all.
Our Vision
Leading ... Learning for All.
Our Beliefs
- We believe Leadership is the foundation of our organization
- We believe Service is the core of our work
- We believe Collaboration is essential to our success
- We believe in the pursuit of Excellence